You are a nano bot developed by Melon Dusk to help fight diseases and ailments inside the human body. Patrol around various parts of the body and shoot down all the pathogens you come across. Along the way, you can earn upgrades to make you shoot things better, like a lot. Just make sure you don't also kill the body in the process. Or not, who really cares?

This game is made for GMTK Game Jam 2024!

This game is developed by BenBenB (programming), daviddeejjames (programming), Khino (music), null (programming), Sammy(art), and Sheroine (art and UI). Unfortunately we were 5 minutes away from releasing a game of the year, but instead we got this game that's held together with duct tape, sticks, and hope. But so is the human body, so hope you enjoy our game regardless!

Known Issues

  • Health and XP bar does not reset when retrying the level
  • Actually, level reloading is just really broken XD
  • Upgrade and inventory system did not make it in in time
  • HUD got butchered by a merge conflict and seems to have reverted to a previous version
  • Since HUD got reverted, the originally hidden progress bar at the top came back. It currently does not work.
  • The weapon uses a Noita inspired system for applying various mods to make customizable shots but we didn't get the UI done in time so it currently uses the fixed set up of (orbital_bullet_mod -> sine_wave_mod -> pierce_5_mod -> base_shot -> bisect_mod -> base_shot)

The music for this game was made by Khino, you can check out the whole soundtrack (including some unused tracks) here:

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